Making (and using) a storytelling chair: a guest blog post, by Maria Doulgeri

Why storytelling?

Storytelling for kindergarten (and, of course, primary school) children is highly beneficial. Not only does it ignite imagination, but it’s also highly engaging. It captivates young learners’ attention, acts as a language booster, and inspires a love for literature. 

Using puppets, props (even the simplest ones can have a tremendous effect on the little ones! – try pressing all your fingers to the front, using your hand as a beak, and then engaging in a dialogue with it), body language and animated voice can encourage imagination and creativity and foster social interaction: children empathize with characters and engage in discussions, developing, thus, their critical thinking, a much sought-after skill not only for their personal growth but also for their academic success. Sometimes nothing else is needed when telling a story other than imagination: creating mental pictures and getting the children physically engaged through movement can do the trick (‘imagine being the wind that blows the leaves off the tree, or being the leaf thrown out of the tree by the wind!’, ‘imagine climbing up the beanstalk, careful not to slip and fall, looking down as we climb’).

 Finding the age-appropriate book for our students is of paramount importance. Books that contain simple language (or you can simplify it yourself as you read), and repetitive patterns are very helpful: fun aside, repetition can boost students’ confidence and consolidation of new vocabulary and sentence structures.

A storytelling chair???

And how should you narrate (or read) a story? Standing or – better– sitting in the middle of a designated storytelling area is a good idea. A storytelling chair can serve as a focal point for teacher-student interaction during storytelling sessions, fostering a positive learning atmosphere. It can enhance engagement, create a sense of anticipation, and provide a comfortable and focused environment for children, making the storytelling experience more memorable and enjoyable.

Get a chair with ample writing space (mine is plastic), a pencil (for the sketching), a rubber, and some permanent markers, books, or pictures from your favorite stories, and let your imagination guide you! 

You can see the story of my chair unfold here:

Ways to use your Storytelling Chair

Tell stories and repeat them often. Children feel more confident listening to stories when they know them inside out and know exactly what comes next.

When children become very familiar with them invite them to sit on the storytelling chair and recount (or repeat) a part of the story. Anyone who sits in it becomes the storyteller with the power to enter their listeners!

Have students identify another character on the chair. What would happen if the hero of the story met another hero (and became good friends with them – time for some critical thinking and communication development.

Food for thought

How about you?

How would you use a storytelling chair?

Can you find the stories that appear on my chair?

How many can you find?

(here is something that will help you: PUT THE PDF ‘Books that appear on the storytelling chair’ HERE)

How many have you used in your teaching?

Most importantly, have fun and enjoy the process yourself: approach storytelling with enthusiasm and joy. Your genuine passion for the story will be contagious, and the child will sense your enjoyment and engagement.

Have a look at the complete post here:

Short Bio

Maria Doulgeri is an English language teacher. She holds a BA in English Language and Literature (AUTh), a BA in History and Archeology (AUTh), and an MEd specializing in Educational Technology (Hellenic Open University). She has worked both in private and public sectors, both in secondary and primary education (and recently in pre-primary education). She is currently working in a State Primary School and a Kindergarten in Northern Greece. She is passionate about teaching young and very young learners, employing engaging and enjoyable tools, such as digital tools, drama, Art, crafts, and most of all the compelling power of storytelling.

Class Games, Songs, Arts and Crafts to Teach English in the Greek Kindergarten

PART A-Teaching English in Kindergarten: Some thoughts and ideas that have worked in our class

Teaching English to kindergarteners in Greece can be an exciting and enriching experience. Incorporating interactive games, catchy songs, and creative arts and crafts into your lessons can make learning English engaging and memorable for young learners. In this blog post, we’ll explore some fun and effective activities I have personally tried to teach English in the Greek kindergarten classroom, promoting language acquisition and cultural appreciation. They have worked in my class. They may, as well, work in yours!

1. Language Games:

Integrating language games into your English lessons adds an element of fun and encourages active participation. Play games like “Simon Says” to practice vocabulary and actions, “What’s Missing?” to reinforce memory and observation skills, or “Hot Potato” to practice passing objects while using English phrases or vocabulary. These games promote language development and social interaction among the students.

2. Sing-Along Songs:

Songs are a powerful tool for teaching English to young learners. Incorporate sing-along songs that introduce vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation in an engaging way. Choose songs that cover topics such as greetings, numbers, colors, and daily routines. Encourage students to sing along, perform simple actions or gestures, and even create their own movements to accompany the songs. This helps reinforce vocabulary and language patterns while making learning enjoyable.

3. Arts and Crafts:

Arts and crafts activities provide hands-on learning experiences that enhance creativity and language development. Engage children in English-themed arts and crafts projects such as creating collages using pictures of English vocabulary words, making puppets to act out English stories, or designing posters featuring English phrases or quotes. These activities not only reinforce vocabulary but also encourage fine motor skills and artistic expression.

4. Role-Play and Drama:

Role-playing and drama activities are effective in teaching English while fostering creativity and confidence. Encourage children to engage in simple role-plays or dramatic skits using English phrases ONLY.

These activities develop language fluency, communication skills, and cultural understanding.

5. Storytelling and Puppetry:

Storytelling is a timeless method for teaching English and igniting children’s imagination. Choose age-appropriate English BIG storybooks and engage the students in interactive storytelling sessions. Use props, puppets, or finger puppets to bring the stories to life and encourage student participation. You can even have students create their own puppets or finger puppets related to the characters or themes in the stories. This helps develop listening skills, comprehension, and oral language proficiency.

6. Cultural Exploration Activities:

Introduce Greek kindergarteners to English-speaking cultures through cultural exploration activities. Teach them about different countries ( I often use my big inflatable Globe to do so), traditions and celebrations, by incorporating activities such as making crafts inspired by the English culture, celebrating English holidays or festivals, or even having virtual exchanges with English-speaking classrooms through the class mascot, video calls or online platforms/videos. These activities promote cultural appreciation and global citizenship.

7. Language Treasure Hunts:

Engage students in language treasure hunts to reinforce vocabulary and language comprehension. Create clues or riddles in English, and hide them around the classroom or outdoor play area. Students work in teams or individually to solve the clues and find hidden treasures. This activity encourages critical thinking, listening skills, and collaborative learning.

8. Picture-based Activities:

Use picture-based activities to enhance vocabulary and comprehension. Provide students with sets of flashcards or picture cards and engage them in activities like categorizing, matching, or describing the pictures in simple English. For example, they can sort the cards into groups of animals, food, or objects, or they can describe the pictures using adjectives or a couple of prepositions. These activities promote vocabulary expansion, critical thinking, and language expression.

9. Multisensory Learning:

Incorporate multisensory learning techniques to cater to different learning styles and engage all the senses. For example, use textured materials like sandpaper or fabric to create tactile flashcards, incorporate scented markers or stickers to associate smells with vocabulary words, or play soft background music during activities to create a positive and immersive English-learning environment. Multisensory activities enhance memory retention and overall learning experience.

10. Language Learning Apps and Websites:

Supplement your classroom activities with interactive language learning apps and websites designed for young learners. Many educational apps and websites offer engaging games, quizzes, and exercises that reinforce vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation skills. Make sure to choose age-appropriate and reputable resources that align with your curriculum and learning objectives.

What I personally do is post everything I need to use on our e-me hive, our online class. Students don’t have access to that e-class but, other school teachers or ELT colleagues may have. It’s also a great idea if you use it for parent updates and contact, as well.

I believe that incorporating technology can enhance English learning in kindergarten. Utilize age-appropriate educational apps, interactive websites, or digital storytelling platforms that provide engaging English language activities. Use videos or multimedia resources to introduce new concepts, songs, or stories. However, it’s important to balance screen time and ensure that technology is used as a supplement to hands-on, interactive learning experiences.

All in all, we should remember, that when teaching English to kindergarteners, it’s crucial to create a positive and supportive learning environment. Therefore, encourage participation, celebrate progress, and provide ample opportunities for practice and reinforcement.

By incorporating interactive games, catchy songs, creative arts and crafts, and various other engaging activities, you can make the English learning journey enjoyable and fruitful for our Greek kindergarten students.


Kids’ Pages: Teaching Resources for English Language Learners. (n.d.). Retrieved from…/kids-pages…

Gaies, S. J. (2017). Play-Based Learning in the Primary School. In Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory (pp. 1-6). Springer.

Spolin, V. (1999). Improvisation for the Theater: A Handbook of Teaching and Directing Techniques. Northwestern University Press.

PART B-Teaching English in Kindergarten: Some more thoughts and ideas that have worked in our class

1. Create a Language-Rich Environment:

Immerse the classroom in English by creating a language-rich environment. Label objects with their English names, display visual aids, posters, and charts with vocabulary words, and incorporate English into daily routines and activities. By surrounding children with English language stimuli, you provide constant exposure and encourage language absorption.

2. Utilize Songs and Rhymes:

Songs and rhymes are powerful tools for teaching English in kindergarten. Children are naturally drawn to music and rhythm, making it an effective way to speak English, naturally. Let’s incorporate songs and rhymes into our lessons, focusing on topics like greetings, numbers, colors, and basic conversations. Encourage movement and gestures to enhance engagement and facilitate language acquisition.

3. Engage in Storytelling and Reading:

Stories and books are invaluable resources for teaching English in kindergarten. Choose age-appropriate picture books, fairy tales, or simple stories that align with the children’s interests. Use props, puppets, or felt boards to make the storytelling interactive and captivating. Encourage active participation by asking questions, allowing children to predict outcomes, and retell the story in their own words.

4. Play Language Games:

Learning through play is crucial in kindergarten, and incorporating language games makes the learning experience enjoyable and effective. Engage children in games like Simon Says, Bingo, or “I Spy” to practice vocabulary, follow instructions, and reinforce listening skills. Use flashcards, puzzles, or memory games to introduce and reinforce new words. These games promote language development while fostering social interaction and collaboration.

5. Incorporate Hands-on Activities:

Kindergarteners thrive on hands-on, experiential learning. Integrate English into various activities, such as arts and crafts, cooking, or science experiments. Label materials or ingredients with English words, have children describe their creations using simple English words or phrases, or engage in role-play scenarios related to the activity. These interactive experiences enhance vocabulary acquisition, comprehension, and creativity.

6. Encourage Speaking and Communication:

Creating a supportive and encouraging environment is vital for promoting speaking and communication skills. We should provide ample opportunities for children to practice English through show-and-tell activities. Foster a safe space where learners feel comfortable expressing themselves. Use prompts, or visual aids to scaffold their language production.

7. Celebrate Diversity and Cultural Exchange:

Teaching English in kindergarten offers a unique opportunity to celebrate diversity and foster cultural understanding. Introduce children to different countries, traditions, and languages through multicultural activities, games, and stories. Encourage them to share their own cultural backgrounds and experiences, promoting inclusivity and appreciation for diverse perspectives, even in their own mother tongue.

9. Involve Parents and the Community:

Engage parents and the community in the English learning journey.

This is on my bucket list, for next school year, by the way.

Share ideas, resources, and updates with parents, and encourage them to support their children’s language development at home. Organize special events or performances where children can showcase their English skills to their families and the wider community. Collaborate with local organizations or native English speakers to provide additional language exposure and cultural exchange opportunities.

10. Assess Progress and Provide Feedback:

Regularly assess children’s progress and provide constructive feedback to support their language development, even in kindergarten!

We can use informal methods such as observations, simple conversations, and checklists to gauge their comprehension and language skills.

Our class mascot can celebrate achievements and provide specific feedback to guide their improvement. Ideally, keep parents informed about their child’s progress and suggest activities they can do at home to reinforce learning.

To sum up, we should always remember, that each child learns at their own pace, so we should embrace their individuality and provide tailored support to ensure a successful language learning journey.


Enever, J., & Moon, J. (2011). Young Learner English Language Policy and Implementation: International Perspectives. TESOL Quarterly, 45(4), 765-771.

Harmer, J. (2007). The Practice of English Language Teaching (4th ed.). Pearson Education Limited.

Pinter, A. (2006). Teaching Young Language Learners. Oxford University Press.

Ljungdahl, L. (2013). Supporting Language Development in the Classroom: A Guide for Teachers and Parents. Trentham Books.

Forensics Tournament Oral Interpretation of Literature for Primary School Students: Our Recent Experience


Forensic tournaments are not only limited to high school and college students. Primary school students can also benefit greatly from participating in these events, particularly in Oral Interpretation of Literature. In this blog post, we will delve into our recent experience at a Forensics Tournament, highlighting the significance of Oral Interpretation for primary school students and the invaluable skills they can gain from this enriching activity.

The Power of Oral Interpretation:

Oral Interpretation of Literature is a competitive event where students bring written works to life by delivering them aloud with passion, expression, and understanding. It allows young learners to explore different genres of literature and develop critical thinking, creativity, public speaking, and communication skills.

Choosing the Right Literature:

Selecting suitable literature for primary school students is crucial. The texts should be engaging, age-appropriate, and allow for varied interpretations. Fairy tales, fables, and short stories are popular choices, as they provide a diverse range of characters, emotions, and themes. It’s important to strike a balance between challenging the students and ensuring they can comprehend and connect with the material.

Preparing for the Tournament:

Preparing for a Forensics Tournament requires dedication, practice, and guidance. Teachers and coaches play a vital role in helping students understand the text, develop characterization, and refine their delivery. They encourage students to explore different tones, gestures, and vocal variations to bring the literature to life effectively. Rehearsals, feedback sessions, and mock performances provide valuable opportunities for improvement.

Building Confidence and Communication Skills:

Participating in Oral Interpretation can significantly boost a primary school student’s confidence. Standing before an audience teaches them to overcome stage fright, speak clearly and audibly, and maintain eye contact. These skills are essential for effective communication and will serve them well in various aspects of their lives, both academically and personally.

Cultivating Creativity and Critical Thinking:

Oral Interpretation allows students to explore their creativity by analyzing characters, themes, and emotions in literature. It encourages them to think critically about the underlying messages and values conveyed in the text. Through this process, they develop a deeper appreciation for literature and strengthen their analytical skills.

Promoting Empathy and Emotional Intelligence:

Interpreting different characters and their emotions cultivates empathy in primary school students. It enables them to put themselves in others’ shoes, understand diverse perspectives, and appreciate the complexity of human experiences. These qualities contribute to the development of emotional intelligence, fostering kindness, compassion, and respect for others.

The Tournament Experience:

Our recent Forensics Tournament was a testament to the growth and achievements of our primary school students. Witnessing them take the stage with confidence, deliver captivating performances, and receive recognition for their efforts was truly inspiring. The event provided a supportive and encouraging environment for students to showcase their talents and celebrate their hard work.


Forensics Tournament Oral Interpretation of Literature offers a remarkable platform for primary school students to develop essential skills and discover the transformative power of literature. Through engaging with texts, honing public speaking abilities, and embracing creativity, these young learners embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. As educators and parents, let us continue to foster a love for literature and empower our children through participation in such enriching activities.

Tic-Tac-Toe Games in the English Primary Class


Introducing games in the primary classroom can be an effective way to engage students and make learning enjoyable. One popular and versatile game that can be utilized to enhance English language skills is Tic-Tac-Toe. Known for its simplicity and strategic thinking, Tic-Tac-Toe offers opportunities for practicing vocabulary, grammar, and critical thinking.

When it comes to teaching young learners, incorporating interactive and hands-on activities can significantly enhance their language learning experience. Floor Tic Tac Toe, a modified version of the classic game, offers a dynamic and engaging way to teach English language teaching (ELT) concepts. By utilizing a large floor-sized board, children can actively participate in language learning while having fun. In this blog post, we will explore creative ways to use Floor Tic Tac Toe in ELT classrooms to teach young learners effectively.

1. Vocabulary Tic-Tac-Toe:

Tic-Tac-Toe can be adapted to reinforce vocabulary learning. Create a grid with vocabulary words related to a specific topic or unit of study. Divide the class into pairs or small groups and have them take turns selecting a word from the grid. In order to mark a square, students must correctly use the word in a sentence. Encourage students to think creatively and use the vocabulary words in context. This game not only strengthens vocabulary retention but also encourages peer collaboration.

2. Grammar Tic-Tac-Toe:

Tic-Tac-Toe can also be used as a fun way to practice grammar concepts. Create a grid with different grammar rules or sentence structures, such as verb tenses, parts of speech, or sentence types. Again, divide the class into pairs or small groups and have them take turns selecting a square and constructing a sentence that exemplifies the corresponding grammar rule. By actively applying grammar rules in a game-like setting, students become more comfortable and confident in their language use.

3. Spelling Tic-Tac-Toe:

Spelling is another area that can be reinforced through Tic-Tac-Toe games. Create a grid with words that students have been practicing or words that follow a specific spelling pattern. Each player takes turns selecting a square and correctly spelling the word associated with it. To make it more challenging, you can require students to use the word in a sentence or provide its definition. This activity not only improves spelling accuracy but also encourages students to expand their vocabulary and understanding of word meanings.

4. Reading Comprehension Tic-Tac-Toe:

Tic-Tac-Toe can be adapted to promote reading comprehension skills. Create a grid with different comprehension questions related to a story or text that the class has read. Students take turns selecting a question and providing an answer. Encourage them to support their answers with evidence from the text. This activity encourages critical thinking, encourages students to engage deeply with the reading material, and improves their ability to extract information and infer meaning.

5. Writing Prompts Tic-Tac-Toe:

Tic-Tac-Toe can also be used to inspire creative writing. Create a grid with different writing prompts, such as “Write a story about a magical adventure” or “Describe your dream vacation.” Students take turns selecting a square and writing a short piece based on the prompt. This activity encourages imagination, storytelling, and the development of writing skills. Students can share their written pieces with the class or in small groups, fostering a supportive and collaborative writing community.

6. Interactive Whiteboard Tic-Tac-Toe:

To add a technological twist, you can use interactive whiteboards or digital platforms to play Tic-Tac-Toe games as a whole class activity. Divide the class into two teams and project a Tic-Tac-Toe grid on the board. Students take turns coming up to the board and selecting a square by answering a question, providing a definition, or completing a sentence. This interactive approach adds an element of excitement and competitiveness to the game while promoting active participation from all students.

7. Vocabulary Match Tic-Tac-Toe:

Create a grid with vocabulary words on one side and corresponding definitions or pictures on the other side. Students must match the word with its definition or picture to mark a square. This game reinforces vocabulary comprehension and helps students make connections between words and their meanings.

8. Conversation Tic-Tac-Toe:

Instead of using words or sentences, create a grid with conversation prompts or discussion topics. Students take turns selecting a square and engaging in a conversation based on the prompt. Encourage them to ask follow-up questions, express their opinions, and actively listen to their partner. This activity develops speaking and listening skills while promoting communication and interpersonal interactions.

9. Phonics Tic-Tac-Toe:

For younger primary students, adapt Tic-Tac-Toe to focus on phonics skills. Create a grid with letters or phonemes. Students take turns selecting a square and coming up with a word that starts or ends with the corresponding sound. This game reinforces phonics knowledge, letter-sound relationships, and early reading skills.

10. Theme-Based Tic-Tac-Toe:

Design a Tic-Tac-Toe grid around a specific theme, such as animals, food, or transportation. Each square represents a different aspect of the theme. Students take turns selecting a square and providing relevant information or descriptions. This activity expands vocabulary, encourages research, and deepens understanding of the chosen theme.

Remember to adapt the game rules and grids according to the age and proficiency level of your students. Tic-Tac-Toe games offer a versatile and interactive way to reinforce various English language skills while promoting active participation and enjoyment in the classroom. Incorporate these games into your lessons, and watch your students’ engagement and language proficiency soar!

11. Sentence Formation Challenge:

Floor Tic Tac Toe can be adapted to promote sentence formation skills among young learners. Create a large Tic Tac Toe grid on the floor, with each square containing a word or a phrase related to a specific grammar concept or vocabulary theme. Students take turns stepping on a square and using the word or phrase in a grammatically correct sentence. To claim the square, the player must form a complete sentence within a given time limit. This game enhances sentence construction abilities, encourages creativity, and reinforces grammar and vocabulary usage.

12. Grammar Relay Tic Tac Toe:

To reinforce grammar concepts, design a large Tic Tac Toe grid on the floor, with each square containing a sentence with a missing grammatical element. Divide the class into two teams and assign them different colored markers. Students take turns running to the board and filling in the missing element correctly to claim the square for their team. This game promotes grammar accuracy, encourages quick thinking, and reinforces grammar rules in an engaging way.


Incorporating Tic-Tac-Toe games into the English primary classroom brings a new level of excitement and engagement to language learning. Whether it’s reinforcing vocabulary, practicing grammar, enhancing spelling, promoting reading comprehension, inspiring writing, or fostering conversation, Tic-Tac-Toe provides endless opportunities for students to develop their language skills in a fun and interactive way. By adapting the game to different language areas and incorporating technological tools or theme-based grids, teachers can create a dynamic learning environment that encourages active participation and enjoyment. Let’s bring out the grids, let the X’s and O’s mark the path to language proficiency, and watch our students thrive in the world of Tic-Tac-Toe language learning.

I have realized that these floor-based activities offer an opportunity for physical movement, multisensory learning, and active participation, ensuring that young learners have a memorable and effective language-learning experience. So, gather the tape, mats, and markers, and let the floor Tic Tac Toe games begin!

BONUS: Floor Tic Tac Toe ELT Grammar Games for Young Learners


Teaching grammar to young learners can often be a challenging task. However, by incorporating interactive and hands-on activities into English Language Teaching (ELT) classrooms, educators can make the learning process enjoyable and engaging. Floor Tic Tac Toe, a modified version of the classic game, offers an excellent opportunity to reinforce grammar concepts in a dynamic and interactive way. In this part of the blog post, I will explore creative grammar games using Floor Tic Tac Toe, designed specifically for young learners, to make grammar learning an exciting adventure that I have either tried or I am willing to try, ASAP.

1. Verb Tense Race:

Floor Tic Tac Toe can be adapted to reinforce verb tenses and their usage. Create a large Tic Tac Toe grid on the floor, with each square containing a verb. Divide the class into teams and give each team a set of verb tense cards (present, past, future, etc.). Students take turns racing to the correct verb tense card and placing it on the square they wish to claim. To win the square, the student must explain why the chosen verb tense is appropriate for the given verb. This game enhances understanding of verb tenses, encourages critical thinking, and strengthens grammar accuracy.

2. Sentence Structure Challenge:

Floor Tic Tac Toe can also be used to teach sentence structure and word order. Create a large Tic Tac Toe grid on the floor, with each square containing a word or phrase. Students take turns stepping on a square and using the word or phrase to form a grammatically correct sentence. To claim the square, the student must arrange the words in the correct order and deliver a coherent sentence within a given time limit. This game promotes sentence construction skills, reinforces grammar rules, and encourages creativity in using vocabulary.

3. Preposition Pathway:

Teaching prepositions becomes an engaging adventure with a Preposition Pathway game. Design a large pathway on the floor, including various prepositions such as “under,” “over,” “between,” and “behind.” Divide the class into teams and provide each team with a set of picture cards representing different objects. Students take turns choosing a picture card and placing it on the pathway, correctly using the corresponding preposition to describe the object’s location. To claim the square, the team must accurately position the picture card according to the preposition. This game enhances preposition usage, spatial awareness, and critical thinking.

4. Grammar Relay Challenge:

Incorporate teamwork and friendly competition with a Grammar Relay Challenge using Floor Tic Tac Toe. Create a large Tic Tac Toe grid on the floor, with each square containing a sentence with a missing grammar element (e.g., articles, subject-verb agreement, or pronouns). Divide the class into teams and assign them different colored markers. Students take turns running to the board, completing the missing grammar element correctly, and claiming the square for their team. This game promotes grammar accuracy, encourages quick thinking, and reinforces grammar rules in an exciting and dynamic way.


Floor Tic Tac Toe ELT grammar games provide young learners with an engaging and interactive approach to mastering grammar concepts. By adapting the traditional game to focus on parts of speech, verb tenses, sentence structure, prepositions, or grammar elements, we can create a vibrant learning environment that fosters participation, collaboration, and grammar proficiency. These floor-based activities offer a multisensory experience, enhance critical thinking, and make grammar learning enjoyable for young learners.

How to Use a Class Mascot in Kindergarten

Meet HIPPO-our amazing kindergarten class mascot! My precious class HELPER!


Kindergarten is an exciting time for young children as they embark on their educational journey. One way to make the experience even more memorable and engaging is by introducing a class mascot. A class mascot can serve as a friendly companion, promoting a sense of belonging, responsibility, and creativity among the students. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to effectively use a class mascot in a kindergarten setting.

1. Selecting the Mascot:

Choose a mascot that appeals to children and aligns with the classroom’s theme or values. It could be an animal, a fictional character, or even an object with a friendly persona. Consider involving the students in the selection process by allowing them to suggest ideas and vote for their favorite mascot. This fosters a sense of ownership and investment from the start.

2. Introduction and Naming:

Once you’ve chosen the mascot, introduce it to the class with enthusiasm. Share its name and backstory to make it more relatable. Encourage the children to participate in the naming process, allowing them to suggest creative and meaningful names for the mascot. This involvement sparks their imagination and strengthens their connection with the character.

3. Mascot Responsibilities:

Assign specific responsibilities to the mascot, such as being the class helper, leader, or motivator. Discuss these responsibilities with the students and emphasize the importance of teamwork and cooperation. Rotate these responsibilities among the students periodically, ensuring that everyone gets a chance to interact with the mascot and experience a sense of accomplishment.

4. Daily Adventures:

Bring the mascot to life by creating daily adventures or stories featuring the mascot. These stories can revolve around the mascot’s experiences in the classroom, on field trips, or during special events. Use the mascot’s adventures as teaching opportunities, incorporating educational concepts and values. Encourage students to actively engage in storytelling and share their ideas about the mascot’s adventures.

5. Journaling and Documentation:

Introduce a mascot journal or diary in which students can document their experiences with the mascot. Encourage them to write or draw pictures about their interactions, adventures, and what they’ve learned from the mascot. This journal can serve as a keepsake, enabling children to reflect on their kindergarten journey and the memories they’ve made with their class mascot.

6. Celebrations and Events:

Include the mascot in classroom celebrations and special events. The mascot can lead dances, participate in games, or even make surprise appearances during birthdays or achievements. By involving the mascot in these festivities, you create an atmosphere of joy, excitement, and unity among the students.

7. Mascot-related Crafts and Activities:

Engage the children in mascot-related crafts and activities to enhance their creativity and fine motor skills. They can create artwork, puppets, or even costumes inspired by the mascot. Encourage collaboration by organizing group projects where children work together to design and build something related to the mascot. These activities not only foster creativity but also reinforce the sense of community within the classroom.

8. Extended Learning Opportunities:

Leverage the mascot to extend learning beyond the classroom. Encourage parents to involve the mascot in their child’s daily routines, such as reading bedtime stories or accompanying them on outings. This integration reinforces the connection between home and school and allows for ongoing conversations about the mascot’s adventures.

9. Reflection and Graduation:

As the kindergarten year comes to an end, take time to reflect on the mascot’s impact and the experiences it brought to the classroom. Ask students to share their favorite memories and what they learned from their mascot friend. Consider organizing a graduation ceremony where each child receives a small memento or certificate

of their time with the mascot. This serves as a meaningful closure to the kindergarten journey, creating lasting memories and a sense of accomplishment for the students.


Using a class mascot in kindergarten can transform the learning environment into a vibrant and engaging space. By selecting the right mascot, involving the students in its introduction and naming, assigning responsibilities, creating daily adventures, journaling, celebrating events, and engaging in mascot-related crafts, you can foster a sense of belonging, creativity, and responsibility among the students. As the year comes to a close, reflecting on the mascot’s impact and organizing a graduation ceremony adds a memorable touch to the kindergarten experience.

So, LET’S embrace the power of a class mascot and make the kindergarten journey an unforgettable one for our students!

“e-twinners behind the scenes”: an e-twinning project 2022/23/final products and a precious letter

“Renata’s Legacy – Advocacy, Education, and Environmental Justice”

Project Summary:

Our 2022-23 e-twinning project “e-Twinners behind the scenes”  aimed to honor the inspiring life and legacy of Renata, a devoted mother, passionate teacher, and advocate for women’s rights and environmental justice. The project sought to engage students in exploring and reflecting upon her story, her commitment, and her unwavering pursuit of justice. Through various activities, students developed a deeper understanding of the importance of activism, education, and the preservation of natural resources while aligning with the goals of Agenda 2030.

By focusing on Renata’s incredible journey, we also aimed to align our project with the goals outlined in the eTwinning Agenda 2030. These goals include promoting sustainable development, gender equality, quality education, and strong institutions. Renata’s commitment to her community, her fight for women’s and children’s rights, and her unwavering dedication to preserving the natural beauty of Porto Selvaggio perfectly embody these shared values and aspirations.


We decided to look for Renata’s daughters. We managed to find them. One of the has become a teacher! We wrote them about our project which had been inspired by their mother and we got a touching reply letter back!


Dear students.

You are the fruit of Renata’s sowing, of her fight for the common good, of a dream that comes true.

With your commitment, you, young people, looking to the future, enthusiastic and full of life and dreams, will be able to feed the consciences of adults and fight for a future of Truth and Justice, in the name of those who can no longer do so, like our mother.

We thank you, the men and women of tomorrow, the young supporters of those who fought and sacrificed themselves, a long list of names, stories, lives, a thousand innocent victims, the living memory of the fighters for a better life for all of us, who deserve recognition and honor.

  We thank you, in the name of our mother, an educator, a woman who loved her land and fought to see it free, at all costs.

We embrace you as brothers: in the wild beauty of the Park of PORTO SALVAGIO, you too will walk forever, hand in hand, with Renata.


Αγαπητοί e-twinners.

Είστε ο καρπός της σποράς της Ρενάτας, του αγώνα  της για το κοινό καλό, ενός ονείρου που γίνεται πραγματικότητα. 

Με τη δέσμευσή σας , εσείς οι νέοι, ατενίζοντας το μέλλον, ενθουσιώδεις και γεμάτοι ζωή και όνειρα,, θα μπορέσετε να τροφοδοτήσετε τις συνειδήσεις των ενηλίκων και να αγωνιστείτε για ένα μέλλον Αλήθειας και Δικαιοσύνης, στο όνομα εκείνων που δεν μπορούν πλέον να το κάνουν, όπως η μητέρα μας.

Σας ευχαριστούμε, εσάς , τους άνδρες και γυναίκες του αύριο, τους νεαρούς υποστηρικτές εκείνων που αγωνίστηκαν και θυσιάστηκαν, ένα αρμολόι ονομάτων, ιστοριών, ζωών ,χιλίων αθώων θυμάτων,τη  ζωντανή μνήμη των αγωνιστών για μια καλύτερη ζωή για όλους μας, που αξίζουν αναγνώρισης και τιμής.

 Σας ευχαριστούμε ακόμη στο όνομα της μητέρας μας, μιας μητέρας, μιας εκπαιδευτικού  μιας γυναίκας που αγάπησε τη γη της και αγωνίστηκε να τη δει ελεύθερη, ακέραια,με κάθε κόστος.

Σας αγκαλιάζουμε αδερφικά: στην άγρια ομορφιά του Πάρκου του PORTO SALVAGIO θα περπατάτε πια για πάντα κι εσείς , χέρι με χέρι, με τη Ρενάτα.


We also managed to finish our collaborative work on our major final product which is our play script e-book!


Here’s our twinspace PROJECT REPORT, about all our steps in the project!

We are so proud of our students!

“e-twinners behind the scenes”: an e-twinning project 2022/23

“Renata’s Legacy – Advocacy, Education, and Environmental Justice”

Project Summary:

“e-twinners behind the scenes” was an eTwinning project that aimed to honor the inspiring life and legacy of Renata, a devoted mother, passionate teacher, and advocate for women’s rights and environmental justice. The project sought to engage students in exploring and reflecting upon Renata’s story, her commitment to her community, and her unwavering pursuit of justice. Through various activities, students developed a deeper understanding of the importance of activism, education, and the preservation of natural resources while aligning with the goals of Agenda 2030.

Project Objectives:

To promote awareness and appreciation for the values of justice, activism, and community engagement as essential for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined in Agenda 2030.

To encourage students to explore and analyze the impact of individuals who have made significant contributions to society in areas related to the SDGs.

To foster a sense of responsibility and empathy towards the environment and the importance of its preservation, in alignment with SDG 13 (Climate Action) and SDG 15 (Life on Land).

To enhance students’ creative and critical thinking skills by creating artistic expressions, written works, and collaborative projects, fostering SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production).

To promote intercultural dialogue, cooperation, and understanding among participating schools across different countries, fostering SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).


Introduction and Research: Students were introduced to Renata’s story through a multimedia presentation and discussion. They researched to gain a deeper understanding of her life, achievements, and the challenges she faced, linking them to relevant SDGs.

Creative Expressions: Students were encouraged to express their understanding of Renata’s life and values through various creative outlets, such as painting, poetry, and short stories. They incorporated themes related to the SDGs into their creative works, fostering critical thinking and reflection.

Virtual Exchange: Participating schools engaged in virtual exchange sessions to share their findings, reflections, and creative works related to Renata. Students had the opportunity to discuss their local environmental issues and brainstorm ways to address them, fostering intercultural dialogue and cooperation.

Collaborative Projects: Students collaborated in cross-border groups to create projects centered around activism, education, or environmental justice, aligned with specific SDGs. These projects included awareness campaigns, community engagement initiatives, or creative performances, fostering partnerships for the goals of Agenda 2030.

Online Exhibition: A dedicated online platform was created to showcase the students’ creative works, project outcomes, and collaborative efforts. This platform served as a space for interaction and sharing among the participating schools, promoting responsible consumption and production by utilizing digital resources.

Expected Outcomes:

Increased awareness and understanding of the importance of activism, education, and environmental justice, fostering a sense of responsibility toward achieving the SDGs outlined in Agenda 2030.

Development of student’s critical thinking, creativity, and digital skills through research, collaboration, and the creation of artistic expressions that reflected the values and goals of Agenda 2030.

Strengthened intercultural dialogue, cooperation, and understanding among participating schools, fostering partnerships for the goals of Agenda 2030.

Enhanced sense of responsibility and empathy towards the environment and the preservation of natural resources, aligning with specific SDGs such as SDG 13 (Climate Action) and SDG 15 (Life on Land).


Our collaborative project, titled “e-twinners behind the scenes” is an inspiring and thought-provoking endeavor undertaken by our 5 European school communities. It aimed to achieve several important objectives, fostered a creative and collaborative spirit among the students, and embraced the shared values of our educational institutions.

One of the primary goals of our project was to highlight the remarkable achievements of Renata Fonte, a wonderful woman who exemplified strength, compassion, and dedication. 

Throughout this collaborative project, our school communities aimed to inspire and educate students about the importance of bravery, compassion, and social responsibility. We sought to emphasize our work’s creative and collaborative aspect, encouraging students to work together, develop their artistic talents, and explore various forms of expression to bring Renata’s story to life.

By focusing on Renata’s incredible journey, we also aimed to align our project with the goals outlined in the eTwinning Agenda 2030. These goals include promoting sustainable development, gender equality, quality education, and strong institutions. Renata’s commitment to her community, her fight for women’s and children’s rights, and her unwavering dedication to preserving the natural beauty of Porto Selvaggio perfectly embody these shared values and aspirations.

Throughout this collaborative project, we all delved deeper into the script, exploring the captivating story of Renata Fonte and the profound impact she left on her community and the hearts of many.


My ETALarissa 2021-2023 ERASMUS+ training courses overview

What is Erasmus+?

Erasmus+ is the EU’s program to support education, training, youth, and sport in Europe.

It has an estimated budget of €26.2 billion.

The program places a strong focus on social inclusion, green and digital transitions, and promoting young people’s participation in democratic life.

It supports priorities and activities set out in the European Education Area, Digital Education Action Plan, and the European Skills Agenda.

Organizations wanting to participate in Erasmus+ may engage in a number of development and networking activities, including strategic improvement of the professional skills of their staff, organizational capacity building, and creating transnational cooperative partnerships with organizations from other countries in order to produce innovative outputs or exchange best practices.

In addition, organizations facilitate learning mobility opportunities for students, education staff, trainees, apprentices, volunteers, youth workers, and young people.

The benefits for involved organizations include an increased capacity to operate at an international level, improved management methods, access to more funding opportunities and projects, increased ability to prepare, manage, and follow-up projects, as well as a more attractive portfolio of opportunities for learners and staff at participating organizations.

In a nutshell, the Erasmus+ program offers the opportunity to send or receive teachers, trainers, headmasters, and any other school, university, and adult education staff who are all eligible to receive an Erasmus plus grant, covering all the training course costs including travel, board and lodging and course fee, for teaching or professional development purposes. They can take part in a training course in another country if your organization gets the Erasmus+ grant. More information is on the official Erasmus website. 

But, what is the importance of the ETALarissa teacher training courses?

For ETALarissa Teacher Training Programs help improve teachers in adult education, time management, technical knowledge, motivating the educational and local community, in general, and teaching skills. Thus resulting in the overall improvement of the institution.

The benefits for the organization include an increased capacity to operate at an international level, improved management skills, access to more funding opportunities and projects, increased ability to prepare, manage, and follow-up projects, a more attractive portfolio of opportunities, and the opportunity to develop innovative projects with partners from around the world.

Key Action 1: Learning mobility of individuals


“The organization is an association of teachers of English which according to its statute aims at: –
providing its members with professional development through training courses, conferences, and educational events so that they can be better teachers at their schools – ensuring their moral and emotional development in order that they can better serve the local community as active citizens.

To that end, our association has created partnerships with local, national, and international organizations
i.e. the Municipality of Larissa, EEPEK (, American Embassy (, TESOL Greece ( KETHEA (Therapy Centre for Addictions:, Teachers for Europe (, ECML ( ), Global Village Project (

In cooperation with these bodies, we have organized
various events addressed not only to our members but also to the wider community.

Moreover, the association has become an active member of the “Larissa Learning City”
network, which is responsible for creating training opportunities for disadvantaged social groups and individuals. Our members are already active contributors to this network’s actions to build a thriving inclusive learning environment in the city in the wake of the financial crisis Our association can manage and implement the project efficiently as the Board Members have previous experience in similar projects.”

To give you a broader idea, I am sharing two of the mobilities I have personally taken part in, representing ETALarissa, during the last two years.

All the information below comes from our collaborative mobility diaries.

Soft Skills and Emotional Intelligence for teachers and education staff

Arrival date: 25/07/2021 Departure Date: 31/07/2021 

Venue: Palermo, Sicily, Italy

 Training introduction 

This structured intense course aims to enable participants to improve their soft skills such as team working,  working in a multicultural environment, managing a team, leadership, crisis and conflicts management, public speaking, communication, and meeting management. The general aim of this course is to foster excellence in education by empowering teachers, trainers, headmasters, and other education staff to improve their soft skills together with other participants and trainers throughout all of Europe gaining as well a broader understanding of education in Europe, and exchanging best practices and experiences. 

Thanks to this course the participants: 

– Acquire knowledge and tools about teamwork and team management, conflict management, meeting  management, public speaking, and communication through specific practical learning sessions; – Improve their practical soft skills through group exercises and tools’ simulations; 

– Cooperate and learn in an international context improving their capacity to communicate in English and teamwork  in a multicultural environment; 

– Improve their Curriculum Vitae competencies and their employability perspectives; 

– Exchange best practices and share experiences with participants and staff coming throughout Europe; – Make contacts with individuals and organizations working in the education field in Europe through everyday  cooperation and networking and team-building activities; 

– Visit and network with Italian institutions. More information on the website:

Day 1

The first day was the introduction to the course and the trainer provided us with useful information concerning our stay. The team building activities were successful in letting us mingle and meet each other and refer to our expectations of the program.

There was a PowerPoint presentation and five different activities took place, each helping us visualize what was presented. The most important points covered were:

The kind of soft skills we are going to explore, mentioning as a very basic one, is the N.L.P skill and its presuppositions. Based on that a teacher should break up his students’ beliefs in order to motivate them.

Furthermore, unless you try, fail, and try again you will not learn and eventually succeed in your visions.

Another point was the quote by Alfred Korzibsky “the map is not the territory”, which reminded us that each person perceives things and learns in a different manner. This quote was actually used by us during lunch and dinner.

Culturally we walked around the town, sightseeing and tasting local delicacies on our own.

Day 2

We started off the day with a wrap-up activity to see what we remembered from the previous day and made a mind map of everything.

Afterward, we focused on leadership styles and had a group activity on that. Next, there was a ninja move from our trainer when he asked us to prepare a 2-minute speech ( in 10 seconds) and deliver it. During this activity, there were some revealing moments for most of us. We are waiting for the feedback.

Then we went on to communication styles, how to achieve assertiveness, and how to use it as an effective way of communication. Through an activity, we practiced saying no and how recognizing different learning styles.

In the afternoon we spent a beautiful evening in the historic city of Palermo guided by Guilia Zambou. The day ended under the lit streets of via Marquesa.

Day 3

Morning wrap-up. We were divided into two groups to discuss leadership styles and communication types which were the topics of the previous day while commenting on each other’s public speech attempts and presenting it in the front.

Next, our trainer presented us with an activity we could try with our colleagues/ students, so as to raise awareness concerning the different types of communication we use and how to make the best of it.

Our main topic of the day was non-verbal communication and learning to speak body language. We focused on:  eye contact, posture, and tone of voice, important elements when delivering a speech. All this was supported by discussing extensive examples of different body positions and the signal they convey.

Yet the day finished early so as to have a guided tour in Cefalu which included swimming in the Mediterranean waters under the hot sun.

Day 4

After the morning wrap-up, where we elaborated on body language and the significance of non-verbal communication, we focused on public speech. After defining what a public speech is, we were shown the main principles of one. Today’s training involved a lot of theory on how to prepare a speech and the ways we can use to highlight what’s important. “The audience is always on our side” is a presupposition. There were some more activities in between and towards the end we were shown videos of our first attempts at public speaking. We all commented and our trainer provided us with his feedback.

In the afternoon we enjoyed a guided tour in Monreale where we saw the famous cathedral, which is part of the Unesco heritage list of monuments.

Another day passed, knowledge was acquired, and connections were made. Erasmus has so much to offer!   

Day 5

A week has passed and we haven’t even realized it. We summed up everything on public speech and moved on to emotional intelligence. It was a day full of activities starting with the 5 pillars of emotional quotient and an empathy bingo. We all won because it was a win/win situation. This is not the case with conflict as we learned afterward.  Although it can be positive, one may choose when, how, and where to engage. So we’ve put on our thinking hats and tried to reach a resolution. Not always easy.

But all good things come to an end. So we took our certificates and pictures and.. headed off to the beach. We said goodbye to Sicily and our new friends with a lot of pizza, some wine, and some dancing. 

Teaching tolerance, diversity, and active citizenship in the 21st-century classroom

Training session: 20.06 – 26.06.2022

Venue:  Escola Superior de Educação,  Santarém , Portugal

Training introduction 

Our training was based on the “My Europe – Your Europe – Your Say”(ME-YOU-US) project resulted from the joint expertise and experience of like-minded organizations from different sectors of education who believe that every individual is unique, equally worthy, and has the right to live according to their beliefs, customs, practices and established behavior rules. Europe is quite different compared to what it used to be a few years ago. Globalization and migration have brought together people from different ethnic origins, religious backgrounds, beliefs, traditions, and languages. However, sharing a common space does not automatically result in overcoming the boundaries of historically constituted communities; it does not necessarily involve opening yourself to otherness. It even resulted in the opposite: nationalistic and xenophobic political parties have been emerging and gaining public support in many EU countries, with the six partner countries included.

Considering the latest events and development trends in Europe the idea of launching a project that will provide support to educators in their mission to teach students to live with the new realities in Europe, not only to accept the diversity of people and concepts but to value it as an opportunity through which we can learn from one another in order to build stronger, more dynamic societies, seemed crucial.

Day 1 

We have realized our fears and expectations about the course and not only. 

Also, we understood that we have to learn to be more tolerant and value diversity to learn from each other and build stronger and more dynamic societies. To do so, teachers and students need tools and training. 

Globalization and migration have brought together people from different ethnic origins, religions, backgrounds, beliefs, traditions, and languages. 

We have considered our students` objectives: to believe in and respect human rights, value every member of society as a human being, to be actively involved in the community, which are just a few of them. 

All in all, our course modules include diversity, human rights, and active citizenship.  

Positive aspects of the first day ; 

The networking activities, the warm-up ice breakers, and the team-building games we played working in teams, both indoors and outdoors. 

Day 2 

Today, we worked on formal, non-formal, and informal education: characteristics, similarities, and differences. 

We agreed that formal education is usually less creative, teacher-oriented, rather monotonous, exams oriented, and less effective, with a well-planned syllabus and limited teaching of life skills. We also agreed that nonformal education is usually based on satisfaction, fun, intrinsic motivation, freedom of choice, and observation. On the other hand, informal education involves caring teachers and an informal curriculum, and it is usually spontaneous, highly motivating, and essential to life-long learning. 

We also practiced several non-formal highly interesting evaluation techniques.

We were introduced to the human rights module and experienced a few relevant team-building activities and games. 

Finally, we stepped in the shoes of students and participated in a training session from the human rights module followed by the course daily evaluation. 

Positive aspects of the first day ; 

The networking activities and the human rights team building activities and games, both indoors and outdoors. 

Negative aspects of the first day:

The lack of networking and cultural activities and leisure time spent with the course partners, in the afternoons. 

Day 3 

Today, we were sent the digital teacher’s manual and were introduced to its content, in detail.

We were also introduced to the “Diversity and Social Inclusion” module, its energizers, and its objectives. 

We learned how to recognize the manifestation of social exclusion behavior. 

We also learned how to create a culture of zero tolerance for social exclusion as a form of bullying in the school environment.

Finally, we discussed one`s responsibility in fighting social exclusion. 

We stepped in the shoes of students and participated in a training session from the FSI module, in which we were asked to participate in sketches, concerning either social inclusion or social exclusion.

Additionally, we learned how to teach our students how to reflect, using Bonno`s  6 thinking hats and we were introduced to several relaxation techniques which are related to diversity. 

All in all, we understood that thinking about past and future events and decisions can be frustrating and that life is complex, therefore we should always distinguish between the different aspects of a decision, in order to see the real picture before we take action. 

The group social interaction and bonding were today`s highlights.

First, we participated in inspiring group activities, which had to do with the Theatre of the Oppressed and later we visited the Municipality House of Santarem and were offered a tour of the town by a professional guide.  

The only negative comment concerns the lack of practical support and quidance by the course organizers when it comes to our evening cultural activities and day trips.

Day 4

Today, we went on an educational day trip to an inclusive public  Portuguese School: Agrupamento de Escolas Cidade do Entroncamento AECE (in the town of  Entroncamento) where there we were welcomed by the school principal of AECE or  Escolá Básica da Zona Verde.

We discussed practical activities making use of the training resources in the Teachers’ Toolkit for teaching Human rights, Diversity, and Active Citizenship by the teachers from the school.

We realized that for Portugal, inclusive education is for all students. This means that there is no distinction between student groups and no labeling of students. Instead, students’ individual needs are considered and supported by various measures in schools.

Portugal has had in place laws envisioning the provision of education for all students, without exception, in their local mainstream schools.

Special schools are being transformed into resource centers for inclusion, supporting their former students, now placed in mainstream schools.

Instead of categorizing students, Portugal supports the idea that all students can achieve a profile of competencies and skills.

It emphasizes flexible curricular models, systematic monitoring of the effectiveness of interventions, and collaboration with parents.

A key feature is an emphasis on collaboration, with a well-established pattern of schools working in local clusters.

As the Portuguese education system moved forward in relation to inclusion over the last two decades, the country has also seen impressive developments in terms of equity.

It is one of the few countries with improvement in all of the subjects assessed by OECD’s PISA.

The rate of early leavers from education has reduced significantly.

All in all, we were impressed by both the quality of education and the hospitality and friendliness of the whole school community, in the typical local school we visited. 

The group social interaction and further bonding were today`s highlights, once again, during both the educational day trip to Educamento and the recreational afternoon trips, in the area. 

After-class bonding and networking are not actually enhanced among the course partners, by the organizers. It fully depends on us. 

Day 5

Today has been a highly busy training course day. 

It kicked off by visiting the Escola Superior de Educacao STEAM Labs and experiencing STEAM, in practice. 

We were first presented with and next practiced creative STEM activities, for students.  

We were then presented with the Science and Math creative lab targets: interdisciplinary teaching practices, innovative learning environments and collaboration, problem and project-based learning, robotics, and programming.

We were also shown the lab’s digital resources, research outcomes, and sustainability activities.

A presentation of the spaces which are related to the lab projects, along with practice with a variety of interactive space STEM activities, followed. 

We were later introduced to the ” Identity and Active Citizenship” module. 

Afterward, we stepped in the shoes of students and participated in three training sessions, from that module. 

We put special emphasis on European values, a few of which we agreed should be: respect for human dignity, freedom, peace, tolerance, solidarity, equality, democracy, rule of law, and respect for human rights and minorities.  

We also discussed life values that should be taught at home and tried several group bonding activities and activities about people in need.

A group discussion followed related to the 

” Identity and Active Citizenship ” module. 

We were finally asked to share ideas and practical solutions about suggested social problems of people in need.

The group social interaction and further bonding were today`s highlights, once again, mainly during the educational day trip to the town of Tomar, together with the majority of partners.

Day 6

The day started with a reference to the need to make use of the training and NFE tools in the everyday teaching and learning process- discussion, and sharing ideas.

Then, the participants were presented with the eTwinning platform and the opportunities for schools.

A practical session followed about registering on the platform and planning collaborative projects. There was a focus on networking and future collaboration. We continued with a discussion about prospective partnerships and an Erasmus+, KA1, and KA2 projects fair ended the first part of the day. 

Later, we went to Sintra and Quinta da Regaleira on a cultural visit, getting to know Portugal and the roots of the tolerance and open-mindedness of Portuguese people. 

Finally, we received our Certificates and shared our final evaluation of the project. 

The day ended with a short trip to Lisbon.

The group social interaction and further bonding were today`s highlights, once again, mainly during the educational day trip in order to get to know the Portuguese cultural heritage and each other more. 



FOR THE Soft Skills and Emotional Intelligence for teachers and education staff ONE

CLICK HERE FOR THE Teaching tolerance, diversity, and active citizenship in the 21st-century classroom ONE


Teacher’s HELPERS, who rock!

In my English classes, some pupils are given various responsibilities, different students each day. I call them ” Helpers” -but they can also be called monitors/assistants if you wish and they have certain responsibilities.

Classroom jobs can help build a sense of excitement, community, and interdependence in a classroom from the very start of the school year. Classroom jobs also teach children responsibility. 

This way, the students learn that they are expected to take care of our classroom to ensure it is a safe and neat place to learn each day, even if they don’t love their weekly job. This is so important for students to see that they are an integral part of our class community and every job is important. They learn about responsibility and accepting responsibility even when it’s not a job they really want. When they do have a job they really want, they appreciate it even more!

Weekly, my students love class jobs, as my “helpers” and feel a sense of pride when they are allowed to complete them.

When meaningful tasks are assigned to these student-helpers, students, understand and are capable of my expectations, and classroom jobs become a fundamental part of our classroom. These students can be of tremendous assistance to us, teachers! 

Sometimes I hear from teachers who dislike having classroom jobs and feel like they’re just a big hassle. 

The primary purpose of classroom jobs is to transfer responsibility to students for keeping the classroom running smoothly, resulting in uninterrupted instruction. If your classroom job system is effective, you will never again have five kids waving their arms and shouting, “Ooh!  Ooh!  Can I do it?” because your answer will always be the same: “Are you my helper today?”

Any regular classroom task which you want to be performed automatically without your direct supervision should be assigned to the class helper of the day.

A few examples:

Paper Collector

Attendance Taker

Door Holder

Homework tasks Inspector

Windows/Blinds Monitor (opens and closes as needed)

Trash Monitor

Board Eraser

Calendar Helper

Computer Helper (turns off/on; could also be in charge of trouble-shooting for kids)

Bulletin Board Helper (helps changes displays)

Dictionary Helper (passes out/collects)

Lights Monitor

Door Monitor (makes sure it’s locked, lets visitors in when they knock)

Hall Monitor

Stickers Helper (if you use the System)

Recess Helper (carries materials out to the playground or the teacher’s material and/or bag to the teachers’ office)

Homework Helper (makes sure kids have the right assignments copied)

I like for my helpers to keep the same jobs for the whole lesson and day, wearing their special badges, of course.

I always explain what this role entails as part of my introduction to routines and procedures, during our first lesson.

Explaining the system to students on the first day of school is important, but it’s even more important to teach students how to do their jobs in whole-class modeling/practice sessions. 

I regularly make changes based on my needs and the abilities of my children. 

But the main idea is that each time we have a lesson the next student in that certain seat arrangement becomes my helper and wears the special HELPER’S badge, for everybody to know.

Before the lesson finishes, the day’s helper is asked to tell us the date and if they do that right they have the privilege to receive a special STICKER, to add to their collection!

They really look forward to that moment!

There are many occasions in our English class when a sticker may be a great reward idea. When a child has completed a module or project, they can be rewarded with a sticker to show off their new skills or knowledge. Being a successful teacher’s assistant is another occasion!

The real key to effectively motivating young learners, through reward stickers and helper’s special badges, is finding ways to motivate them all, especially those who have difficulties learning English. By offering special privileges to all the class assistants, in other words, all the students, this task is accomplished.

All in all

Research has demonstrated that engaging students in the learning process-the use of class “helpers” is one way to do so- increases their attention and focus and motivates them to engage in higher-level critical thinking. Instructors who adopt a student-centered approach to instruction increase opportunities for student engagement, which then helps everyone more successfully achieve the course’s learning objectives.

ABC: there is NO Planet B-an eTwinning project 2021/22

When the pandemic began, teachers all over the World were given little notice to shift very quickly to distance learning or e-learning, sometimes with no training. In many cases, we had 48 hours or a weekend to reinvent lessons for an already planned curriculum, learn new technologies, find non-technology solutions to student learning, and figure out how to keep students engaged. But all of us eTwinning teachers, also had to balance home and work and how to do our life’s work from afar while simultaneously caring for students, grieving losses, and so many more challenges and obstacles!

By the way, for all those -mainly non-European -teachers who keep asking me about what eTwinning is about: eTwinning is the community for schools in Europe.

Since then I personally realized that there is only ONE thing that is still here for both me and my students, during these hard times: eTwinning!

eTwinning offers a platform for staff (teachers, head teachers, librarians, etc.), working in a school in one of the European countries involved, to communicate, collaborate, develop projects, share and, in short, feel and be part of the most exciting learning community in Europe. eTwinning is co-funded by the Erasmus+, the European program for Education, Training, Youth, and Sport. eTwinning promotes school collaboration in Europe through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) by providing support, tools, and services for schools. eTwinning also offers opportunities for free and continuing online Professional Development for educators. Launched in 2005 as the main action of the European Commission’s eLearning Programme, eTwinning is co-funded by Erasmus+, the European program for Education, Training, Youth, and Sport, since 2014. Its Central Support Service is operated by European Schoolnet, an international partnership of 34 European Ministries of Education developing learning for schools, teachers, and pupils across Europe. eTwinning is further supported at the national level by 38 National Support Services.


The place where eTwinning magic really happens is the TwinSpace; a safe platform visible only to the teachers participating in a project. Students can also be invited to the TwinSpace to meet and collaborate with peers from their partner schools.

One of the most important elements of eTwinning is a collaboration among teachers, students, schools, parents, and local authorities. In eTwinning teachers work together and organize activities for their students. They have an active role, interact, investigate, make decisions, respect each other and learn 21st-century skills. eTwinning projects involve the contribution of each member of the team. Take inspiration and explore these awarded projects.

Finally, in eTwinning, our work is important and deserves to be shared and recognized locally, nationally, and Europe-wide. eTwinning recognizes the work carried out by teachers, students, and schools through National and European Quality Labels, eTwinning Awards, eTwinning Schools, and the eTwinning Portfolio.

Οur school inspiring eTwinning project, this year, was a project about the environment!

ABC: there is NO planet B is an eTwinning project that has partners from Turkey, Italy, and Greece. It is a collaborative, creative project on climate change and environmental challenges.

ABC stands for Awareness, Belief, Communication.

Pupils become aware of and are educated on environmental issues, they express their thoughts and ideas in a variety of ways, believe in their strengths, and suggest ways to make small changes towards this big challenge. The activities proposed in this project aim to help students realize how global warming resulting from climate change impacts Earth. They encourage them to take action to make the world a better place. 

Throughout the project, students raise awareness and spread knowledge about the issue of Climate Change in their schools and local communities.


PSHE aim: To help schools to fulfill their statutory responsibility to support their cultural development and prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities, and experiences of life. To participate in a collaborative project with different countries in Europe, to exchange ideas and reflections, to communicate thoughts using creative ways.

COMPUTING aim: To use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create content that accomplishes given goals, including collecting, analyzing, evaluating, and presenting data and information.

SCIENCE aim: To explore the causes and effects of climate change and raise awareness of the environmental challenges.


Presentation of the project to our schools and the other partners. Some activities include: Design of a logo, collaborative murals and artwork, posters and PPT presentations, collaborative Ebooks, formal letters to local MPs to raise awareness, Covid-19 and its impact, etc

The tasks have been discussed in a messenger or what’s app group with the other teachers and set by the leading schools; the activities and work produced have been shared in twinspace by all schools and the work process has been communicated using the journal. eTwinning Ambassadors clubs have been created to support the project as well as distant learning arrangements.

Depending on the activity, pupils have the opportunity to work independently, with talk partners, or in small groups and some have twinspace membership to share their work, enjoy and comment on the other schools’ work, and communicate their thoughts and feelings by joining in forums, work collaboratively.


The end products are collaborative ebooks filled with their creative work. Some activities include: Design of a logo, collaborative murals, and artwork, posters and PPT presentations, collaborative e-books, formal letters to local MPs to raise awareness, wars and their impact on the environment, etc

All in all, our project, helps us to widen our horizons, reconsider our perspectives, improve self-esteem, increase our understanding of different environmental issues, enhance our awareness of the environment and prove that “communication is the basis of understanding others and the world”.

The process is always constantly about learning to learn collaboratively, building an inclusive and equitable environment for all.
The pupils have been inspired and motivated and participated equally in the shaping of our project.